All systems are go

  • API

    Powers our booking pages, web application and third party integrations.

  • Site

    The website.

  • App

    Our web application for managing and configuring booking pages.

Previous Incidents

[Resolved] Issue impacting loading the app and pages

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • API
  • Site
  • App

We are aware that the app and booking pages are not currently loading. We will report more information once we have it. Thank you for your patience.

We've identified the issue and are working with our host provider to restore service.

We've fixed the loading issue. Booking pages and the app should be loading now. We are continuing to monitor the situation.

We've now resolved the loading issues. We will work on a write up and will post on our status page. Thank you for your patience.

[Resolved] Microsoft incident affecting Outlook and Teams

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • API
  • App

We are aware of a Microsoft wide outage that could affect your Outlook integration with us.

We are following updates from Microsoft, who have stated they are deploying a fix.

Microsoft have deployed a fix which they have said has corrected the issue for 98% customers.

Microsoft resolved this incident and we are confident this is no longer impacting our customers.

No further notices from the past 90 days.